
Capitol Hill Block Party


SITUATION/TASK Invited by the promoters to create an edition of 12  gig posters highlighting an artist performing in the Capitol Hill Block Party. The posters were displayed in the neighborhood art walk the night before with ~40 participants in the art show, then auctioned off for local neighborhood charities.

ACTION   The small run would have been too cost inefficient to silk screen so I collaged an edition of 12  gig posters in an assembly line. 

RESULT The handmade aesthetic translated well  in the digital space as well as the gallery space. I was able to document the process and create still and video/motion content for Instagram leading up to the event. I created a GIF version of the poster that could be potentially used on landing pages and emails. 

Artboard Copy 4.jpg
Artboard Copy 3.png

for Capitol Hill Block Party & Briana Marela, Summer 2016

18x24” Edition of 12